Vegan Nut Roast Recipe Quick and simple, basic recipe perfect for students, after work, 10 minute prep time Vegetarian
Since becoming Vegan, I have noticed a distinct lack of Vegan nut roasts.
It's surprising really, as there are a lot of nut roasts out there, but many unfortunately contain Egg or Milk.
My Mother-in-Law and sister both went searching for me, to no avail. The 'Cook' nut roast contains egg. The 'Lidl' one, milk. There are a few nut roasts out there in which you can take a small mortgage out on, but no good value nut roasts, that are actually tasty.
When Waitrose brought out there new Vegan nut roast, I thought my problems had ended, but the portions were tiny, the nuts burnt to achieve a cooked middle, and there are far too many beans in it for my liking! Even with 20% off the price as an introduction, I felt cheated.
So, one Sunday afternoon, I took it upon my self to throw a few ingredients together, and came up with a gorgeous Sunday treat perfect for any roast plate. The recipe is flexible...If you like kidney beans, throw some in, if you like chickpeas- have at it. If you love onions, fry some off and add it to the mix.
Here is what I did to create a simple and super tasty Vegan Nut Roast.
Simple and Quick Nut Roast Recipe:
Preperation: 10 minutes
Cooking Time 40 minutes
Serves: 4
85g stuffing
100g mixed walnuts, red skin peanuts and cashews
20-30g whole walnuts
20g-30g whole cashews
20g-30g whole red skin peanuts
2 tbspn flaxseed.
Make an 'egg' with 2 tbspn flaxseed, 4tbspn cold water, leave to thicken for 5 mins
briefly 'blend' the 100g of mixed nuts (few seconds) doesn't matter if some are still whole.
spoon into a bowl, add stuffing and hot water as on box (may need a bit extra hot water)
stir in whole nuts, 'Grease' an oven-proof dish with marge/vegan butter and spoon mixture into ovenproof dish and cook for approx 35-40mins- play it by ear, when it looks crispy, should be good!
Just a note in regards to roast:
I have had it confirmed that Colemans Bread Sauce is suitable for vegans...if made with plant based milk obviously.
Aunt Bessies roast potatoes are vegan, but avoid the ones cooked in 'goose fat' which are popular around Christmas.
Bisto Original gravy is vegan, but the 'chicken' (orange one) is not as it contains milk powder.
Any more tips and hints for a great Sunday roast? drop them below! Thanks for reading
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